Howden Joinery offers a valuable pension to employees through the Howden Joinery Pension Plan. In this section you can find out about the people behind the Howden Joinery Pension Plan and how they help you make the most of your pension.
Your Trustee Directors
Your Trustee Directors have a significant number of responsibilities with the overall objective being to manage the Plan in the best interests of members. Their responsibilities are governed by the Plan's documentation, regulations and legislation. Duties include ensuring benefits are paid on time and to the right people, making sure contributions are paid correctly, on time and invested without unnecessary delay.
In the normal course of a year, the Trustee Directors prepare for and attend meetings four times a year (or more often if required), meet and communicate with the Plan’s advisers and keep abreast of the many changes in the pensions industry. Furthermore, the legislation has required trustees to receive regular training and, in partnership with the Plan’s advisers, develop training to fully understand the regulations and current issues affecting pensions.
The current list of your Trustee Directors and the Howdens Pensions team are listed below:
Chris Martin (Chair) (Independent Trustee) Tony Cooper
Emily Barker Charlie Nissen
Simon Gleadhill Ian Arnold
Paul Jones
Nilam Gardiner (Pensions Manager)
Shromi Jeyakumar (Assistant Pensions Manager)